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BOOKLET | "Third places, accelerators of transitions" - AGAM

Resources Governance and Partnerships SDG, Transition and Resilience Urbanism and Placemaking
Source : AGAM - Livret "Regards" - Décembre 2023 - "Tiers-lieux, accélérateurs des transitions"


This publication from the Agence d'Urbanisme de l'Agglomération Marseillaise explores "third places" as "gas pedals of transitions". With a growing number in France, these hybrid, open spaces are now extending well beyond the big cities. Their cross-disciplinary approach, with governance shared between citizens, local players and local authorities, provides an interesting avenue in the face of the complexity and urgency of societal, technological and climatic challenges. They are becoming essential laboratories for experimentation and territorial transition. Their ability to generate "tailor-made" local solutions, whether for social integration, development or training, reinforces their status as indispensable players. This publication by Lab' de l'Agam on third places aims to define their positioning in urban space and sketch out an initial understanding of their impact .

"In the current context of crisis and transitions - ecological, social, economic - it is necessary to design new living spaces, invested by the community, "unfinished" places, where experimentation and evolutions are made possible."

Keywords: SSE, experimentation, shared governance, impacts, living lab', third places, transitions, urban planning, Aix-Marseille Provence.
Illustration: AGAM (c)