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BENCHMARK | Territorial Observatory of Student Housing

Resources Residents and Talents Urbanism and Placemaking
OTLE - Benchmark Logement Etudiant "Opérations innovantes"


The urban planning agencies Agam and Aupa, Aix-Marseille-Université, CROUS, Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence and DREAL PACA have joined forces to form the Observatoire territorial du logement étudiant Aix-Marseille-Provence (OTLE AMP). It covers the whole of the Aix-Marseille-Provence metropolitan area, with its 101,000 students, and is part of the national "60,000 Housing Plan" initiative. The aim of this partnership is to build a statistical tool for collecting and analyzing high-performance data to feed into local public policies, and to provide a forum for exchanging and sharing information to improve understanding of the issues and problems specific to student housing.

As part of its work, OTLE has produced a benchmark of innovative student housing projects in France and abroad. " The aim of this benchmark is to open up the field of possible ways of building student accommodation, particularly in dense, constrained urban environments where land is scarce and expensive. It also shows the economic and social opportunities for the area (development of sectors, hiring of local labor, etc.) and/or the players (cooperation, partnerships, etc.)."

The various "innovative operations" have been classified into 5 themes:

  • Industrialized design-build processes ;
  • Building conversion/rehabilitation;
  • Mixed / hybrid concepts;
  • Schools and universities involved in student housing production.
Keywords: students, accommodation, hybridization, innovation, young people, housing, reconversion, rehabilitation, university, urban.
Illustration : OTLE AMP (c)
Source : OTLE AMP - Benchmark "Opérations Innovantes" - Logement étudiant