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STUDY DISSERTATION | New entrepreneurial paradigm of metropolitan territorial marketing: What are the issues? What are the roles? And what are the determinants of corporate involvement?

Student Productions Companies and Investors Governance and Partnerships


Laure DUMAS - Master 2 Public Management - "Attractiveness and New Territorial Marketing" course - 2016

CNFPT Master's Thesis Award 2017 - Territorial planning and sustainable development specialties

Against a backdrop of globalization, metropolitan areas are gaining in power and fully playing the role of "engines of growth". After a reminder of the importance of the interplay of players, and the place of institutions and, more specifically, economic players in territorial attractiveness and development strategies, particular attention will be paid to the necessary strategic alliance between companies and territorial policy in the genesis of territorial marketing approaches. A national and international overview of the different levels of integration of economic players within remarkable metropolitan territorial marketing strategies helps us to identify the key factors that lead to sustainable partnership-based territorial marketing approaches. To illustrate this analysis, a case study applied to the Bordeaux metropolis sheds light on companies' perceptions of territorial marketing strategies and their expectations in this area. The aim is to define the voices and means that could be explored to better involve the business world in these new metropolitan territorial marketing strategies, in the start-up phase, and to achieve a collegial multi-incarnation of the brand.

Key words: determinants of involvement, economic development, managers, companies, stakeholder games, territorial marketing, metropolization, attractiveness strategy, organization theory, stakeholder theories, Bordeaux Métropole.

To consult this study dissertation

This dissertation can be consulted at the IMPGT Library, 23 rue Gaston de Saporta, 13 100 Aix-en-Provence.

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