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STUDY DISSERTATION | How to initiate a territorial marketing approach in a rural area? The case of Val de Garonne Agglomération.

Student Productions Governance and Partnerships Rural territories


Pascal LAPERCHE - Master 2 "Attractiveness and New Territorial Marketing" - Academic year 2016

The Val de Garonne Agglomération (VGA) approach to territorial marketing in rural areas seems almost revolutionary, given the few examples observed or described in the literature.

Rural areas have been completely reorganized following the exodus of the population and the decline of the agricultural sector. Today, thanks to its environmental assets, it has developed a growing attractiveness in the residential, tourist and even economic sectors, with significant growth indicators. As a land of new population and wealth, the rural environment seems naturally predestined for territorial marketing. Over the past few years, this field has adapted its methods to changes in society, and tends to bring decision-makers closer to the population, creating projects that are shared and supported by all. The implementation of Rural Marketing therefore seems to open the way to a new, more inclusive model of rurality. This is the ambition that Val de Garonne Agglomération wishes to promote in the development of its territorial project.

Keywords: attractivité, gouvernance, marque, marketing territorial, rural, tendance, Marmande, Val de Garonne Agglomération, Garonne.

To consult this study dissertation

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