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PODCAST | IHEST x Thimothée PARRIQUE : Should we be afraid of degrowth?

To be listened Companies and Investors SDG, Transition and Resilience
Illustration PODCAST | IHEST x Thimothée PARRIQUE : Faut-il avoir peur de la décroissance ?


This episode is the 3rd in a series dedicated to theInstitut des Hautes Études pour la Science et la Technologie's 2023 national training cycle, on the theme of "Individuals, companies, territories, Earth's habitability and new models of society". Timothée PARRIQUE, a researcher in ecological economics at the University of Lund (Sweden), takes a look at the new economic and social models that could promote the ecological transition. He poses a central question: can there be infinite growth in a finite world?

Keywords: well-being, biodiversity, economic growth, consumption, degrowth, economy, ecology, ecological footprint, inequality, GDP, production, prosperity, resources, social, transitions.
Illustration: IHEST - PODCAST "Deciding with Science".


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