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STUDY DISSERTATION | Territory ambassadors, a lever for resilience in the context of a crisis such as COVID-19, the case of the Hello Lille attraction agency

Student Productions Governance and Partnerships SDG, Transition and Resilience


Élodie LACAVE - Master 2 "Attractiveness and New Territorial Marketing" - Academic year 2020/2021

The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the strategy of the Hello Lille attractiveness agency vis-à-vis its network of ambassadors during the COVID-19 crisis. The aim is to determine whether the agency relied on this network to make the region more resilient.
First, we will discuss the two concepts of ambassador network and resilience. The aim of this section is to demonstrate that a link can exist between the two, particularly in times of crisis.
Secondly, we will analyze the strategy implemented by the Hello Lille attractiveness agency since the start of the crisis with regard to the ambassadors' network. This section will present the research methodology on the one hand, and the analysis of results and recommendations on the other.

Keywords: Attractiveness agency, ambassadors, attractiveness, Covid-19, crisis, HelloLille, networks, resilience, territorial resilience.

To consult this study dissertation

This dissertation is available for consultation at the IMPGT Library, 23 rue Gaston de Saporta, 13 100 Aix-en-Provence.

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