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STUDY DISSERTATION | Territorial intelligence for town centers: using data to revitalize Carpentras town center

Student Productions Tech, Data & Innovation


Youssef TJAMILOU - Master 2 "Attractiveness and New Territorial Marketing" - Academic year 2021/2022

Revitalizing city centers involves economic, social, demographic and ecological issues, as well as the development of smartcities.

Revitalization issues are notably linked to the desertification of city centers. This phenomenon of desertification is due to a number of factors, including metropolization, the peripheralization of small and medium-sized towns, changes in the commercial fabric of city centers, an aging population and the need for user information.

Territorial intelligence presents itself as a solution to the problems of town center dynamism. Territorial intelligence is a lever for action. This lever is illustrated by the digital transformation of downtown players (digitization, digitalization, digital transformation), by information governance between stakeholders, and finally, by data orientation.

To consult this study dissertation

This dissertation is available for consultation at the IMPGT Library, 23 rue Gaston de Saporta, 13 100 Aix-en-Provence.

You can also contact Ms Annie DELANGHE at the A&NMT Chair(, who can send you the document or put you in touch with the author.