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Webinar on territorial attractiveness practices in medium-sized towns and cities

February 26, 2024

On Wednesday February 21, the Chaire Attractivité & Nouveau Marketing Territorial organized a webinar on medium-sized towns.

The meeting provided an opportunity to discuss the practices of different medium-sized towns and cities in terms of territorial attractiveness, with a particular focus on the themes of attraction and anchoring.

Christophe ALAUX, Director of the A&NMT Chair, opened the meeting by presenting :

  • some results of the IMAGETERR 22 survey What are the aspirations of the French regarding their "ideal territory"? What are their choice criteria? Which territories do they spontaneously cite? What are the differences in responses according to respondents' profiles?

This study, conducted by the Chair every two years, highlights the renewed attractiveness of small and medium-sized towns, to the detriment of large cities and metropolises. These findings are in line with the POPSU study entitled "Urban exodus: a myth? Urban exodus: a myth, a reality "and the Arthur Loyd 2023 barometer.

  • the Manifesto co-constructed by the Chair and its partners.

The presentation continued with an overview of the practices of the various participating cities. Among the territories represented were: Aix-en-Provence, Angers Loire Métropole, Brest, Caen la Mer, Cap Atlantique La Baule-Guérande Agglo, Normandie Attractivité, Reims Legend'R, Rouen Invest, Saint-Etienne, trèsBeaujolais, Troyes, and many others. Some forty professionals from the sector shared their practices and the challenges they faced in anchoring and developing the "attachment" of local residents, projects and economic players.

The A&NMT Chair warmly thanks all participants for their feedback, and looks forward to seeing you at the next event on the subjects of attractiveness and #markterr!

NB/ Concerning the IMAGETERR study, you can find the main results of the study carried out in 2020 by consulting this article The Conversation.

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