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The Manifesto for Territorial Attractiveness and Marketing

June 28, 2021
Manifeste de l'attractivité territoriale et du marketing territorial - Chaire A&NMT

One year after the municipal elections, the Attractiveness and New Territorial Marketing Chair unveils the territorial attractiveness and territorial marketing manifesto.

This Monday, June 28, 2021, the Attractiveness and New Territorial Marketing Chair, in collaboration with its founding territories and partners, unveils the manifesto for territorial attractiveness and territorial marketing.

This manifesto has been co-constructed by the Chaire Attractivité & Nouveau Marketing Territorial and its 33 founding territories and partners, spread across France. The aim is to set out the fundamental principles that will make it possible to achieve the goal of balanced attractiveness for each territory.

If it is being published on June 28, 2021, one year after the 2020 municipal elections, it's because territories feel the need to clarify what territorial attractiveness is, what territorial marketing is. It is aimed not only at managers and elected representatives in charge of these issues, but also at all those who will be working with them on these initiatives. It applies equally to regions, départements, metropolises, intercommunalités, medium-sized towns and villages.

To this end, the Manifesto published by the Chair is structured around three objectives:

  • To clarify what territorial attractiveness and territorial marketing are, and what they are not.
  • Clarify the main principles that will enable us to achieve the goal of balanced territorial attractiveness.
  • To clarify the fields of action for managers in charge of territorial attractiveness and territorial marketing. This manifesto is aimed not only at managers and elected representatives in charge of these issues, but also at all those who will be working with them on these initiatives.

Presenting the fundamental principles that guide territorial attractiveness initiatives based on territorial marketing.

The document proposes a reading built around 4 major principles that structure territorial attractiveness and territorial marketing approaches. These are :

  • Balanced: attraction & anchoring within the territory
  • Cultural & customized
  • Collective & transversal
  • Backed by political & managerial governance (bringing together elected officials and managers involved in the region's attractiveness).
Presentation of the Manifesto - Christophe ALAUX - Director of the A&NMT Chair

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