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Launch of the 1st MOOC on attractiveness and territorial marketing!

January 5, 2022

A first in Europe! January 13, 2022 will see the official launch of the 1st online training course on attractiveness and territorial marketing, during the MOOC launch webinar.

What are the objectives of this training program?

Created in partnership with the Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale (CNFPT), the CNER - Fédération des agences d'attractivité, de développement et d'innovation, the Chaire Attractivité et Nouveau Marketing Territorial, Business France and EURADA - European Association of Development Agencies, this MOOC aims to further professionalize the professionals in charge of these missions in territories, promote French expertise and contribute to the recognition of this real profession, which requires specific skills. This e-learning course aims to present the fundamentals of the profession and the issues involved in developing local attractiveness initiatives.

How accessible is the training?

The MOOC is totally free and accessible at any time. You'll be able to benefit from the advice of leading experts in territorial marketing and attractiveness, during online sessions organized over 4 weeks, comprising 30 videos ranging from 1 to 4 minutes. Resources will be provided during the sessions (bibliography, useful links, infographics, graphics, etc.) to optimize your learning. This training course is a real tool to help you gain a better understanding of the many areas related to territorial marketing, and to build a solid knowledge base.

Where can I find further information?

You can find all the information about the MOOC on our dedicated training page.

Watch the Webinar presentation

Webinar to launch the 1st MOOC on attractiveness and territorial marketing

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