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STUDY DISSERTATION | How to transform a destination brand into a territorial brand of global appeal? The case of the Provence brand

Student Productions Governance and Partnerships Brand, identity and perception


Hélène GREFFIER - Master 2 Public Management - Attractiveness and New Territorial Marketing - Academic year 2019/2020

Territory plays an increasingly important role in economic issues, development policies and attractiveness. The pandemic and containment have underlined the pragmatic meaning of the concept of hospitality, placing the notion of quality of life at the heart of attractiveness thinking. Indeed, the latter, more commonly understood by the notion of attraction (ability to attract businesses, tourists, residents...) must also be apprehended through the prism of retention and hospitality.

The attractiveness strategies deployed by territories are based on territorial marketing concepts, and are founded on the consideration of holistic attractiveness: economic, residential, tourist, cultural, etc. attractiveness. A region's image is built on all these dimensions. Hence the need for a region's public and private players to coordinate their know-how, skills and working methods to achieve a strong holistic appeal.

It is in this context that our study aims to question the relevance of developing a territorial brand of holistic attractiveness based on an existing destination brand.

Keywords : Global attractiveness, branding, governance, destination brand, tourism brand, territorial brand, brand strategy, territory, value, Provence.

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