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REPORT | Responsible tourism: an opportunity to enhance the natural assets of territories

Resources SDG, Transition and Resilience Tourism


In May 2021, the Agence nationale de la cohésion des territoires (ANCT) launched the Fabrique Prospective " Responsible tourism: an opportunity to enhance territories' natural amenities ". Co-funded by the ANCT, the DGOM and the OFB, the Fabrique Prospective worked for a year with elected representatives and local players from four intercommunities with little-valued natural amenities: the Cœur du Var (Var), Cœur de Savoie (Savoie), Lauragais Revel Sorèzois (Haute-Garonne) and Sud (Mayotte) communities of communes.

The aim was to identify the methods and resources that could be mobilized by these intercommunal bodies to turn the natural amenities of their territories into a lever for responsible tourism . Over the course of a year, their reflections focused on 4 areas:

  • the implementation of responsible facilities, services and equipment,
  • the economic model for responsible tourism,
  • acceptability and governance,
  • scales and cooperation between territories.

This publication summarizes their work and presents :

  • the challenges faced by local authorities wishing to combine responsible tourism and natural amenities,
  • the action programs co-constructed by the elected representatives of each intercommunality and their local working groups,
  • six action levers that can be mobilized by intermunicipalities wishing to develop responsible tourism that enhances the natural amenities of their territories.
Keywords: Sustainable territorial attractiveness, environment, intermunicipalities, nature, overseas territories, natural heritage, rural, sustainable tourism, responsible tourism, transitions.
Illustration : ANCT - Fabrique Prospective "Le tourisme responsable : une opportunité pour valoriser les aménités naturelles des territoires" (C)
Link to the Convergences 2022 Barometer - Social entrepreneurship
Source : ANCT, 2023, Fabrique Prospective "Le tourisme responsable : une opportunité pour valoriser les aménités naturelles des territoires"