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@Romania: a decentralized tourism brand via blockchain

Benchmark Governance and Partnerships Tech, Data & Innovation Tourism
Source : @Romania - une marque touristique décentralisée via la blockchain


In Romania, "enthusiasts" of their country have come together in a Decentralized Autonomous Organization(DAO) to"accelerate the promotion of tourism in the country and develop blockchain tools that democratize the way we plan, book and travel". This new type of organization relies on blockchain to bring together people who wish to co-construct common projects.

This collective has created the brand @Romania brand to carry the country's storytelling, with remarkable results: in total, over 2 million subscribers on the various social networks. At the same time, a platform allows users to purchase "Stramosi" NFTs (tokens in the form of avatars): these characters are randomly generated to highlight the main features of the country's identity. These tokens give access to a pass and participation in the organization's decisions and projects .

This ultra-decentralized governance format questions the changing roles of destination management organizations (DMOs), which often reflect on citizen participation in their strategic orientations.

Keywords: blockchain, DAO, empowerment, decentralized governance, participatory governance, national branding, NFT, tourist office, DMO, NGO, destination management organization, citizen participation, technology, token, tourism, web 3.0.
Illustration: @Romania NGO (c)

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