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L'Explorateur, social and tourism watch #2 | Agence Régionale du Tourisme Grand Est

Resources SDG, Transition and Resilience Tourism
ART Grand Est - Explorateur, veille sociétale et touristique - Numéro 2


As part of its " Tendance et Prospective" initiative, the Agence Régionale du Tourisme Grand Est is publishing, for the 2nd year running, a publication that explores changes in society and how they are reflected in culture, consumption and tourism. This watch analyses today's society through its major trends and weak signals, deciphering 4 megatrends:

  • the relationship with oneself,
  • our relationship with the world,
  • our relationship with nature,
  • and the relationship to space and time.
Keywords: imaginary, macro-trend, megatrends, foresight, society, social, trends, tourism, transition.
Illustration: ART Grand Est - Pexels (Storishh)
Les 4 macro trends de l'Explorateur et ses déclinaisons en tendances - Source : ART Grand Est