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COMMUNICATION | What's in a place name: reputation components and drivers. A comparison of five European metropolises' images - IPBA

Scientific publications Brand, identity and perception
Article scientifique


What do individuals know or believe about my place? What should I do to develop, use or change their perceptions? These questions refer to the place reputation, a key managerial concept that place marketers have to handle to foster local attractiveness. However, the concept of place reputation remains understudied. This article provides new insights on the place reputation as a measurable construct and a managerial tool for place marketers. 

To fill the lack of empirical and comparative studies of place reputation, we investigated the French perceptions (from a representative sample of 1050 French respondents) about 5 famous metropolises: Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, London and Paris. Findings shed light on four key components of place reputation, namely: cultural heritage, economic vitality, quality of life and the place personality. These components result from three drivers: formal, informal discourses and experience. This study emphasizes the fact that the formal discourse and the experience are the main drivers that managers should use to influence the different components of place reputation.

Refereed conference paper - International Place Branding Association, 2017

Illustration: Adobe Stock - ©Daniel

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Christophe ALAUX, Director, Chaire Attractivité et Nouveau Marketing Territorial (A&NMT) and Institut de Management Public et Gouvernance Territoriale (IMPGT) -

Laura CARMOUZE, Deputy Director, Chaire Attractivité et Nouveau Marketing Territorial (A&NMT) -

Sarah SERVAL, Deputy Director of the Attractiveness and New Territorial Marketing Chair (A&NMT) -

Léa BOUTARD, PhD in Management Sciences, linkedin