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BAROMETER - Social entrepreneurship at the heart of local issues

Resources Companies and Investors SDG, Transition and Resilience
Barometre Convergences entrepreneuriat social


The tenth survey conducted byOpinionWay for Convergence on the perception of social entrepreneurship shows that the notions of social and solidarity economy (SSE) and social entrepreneurship are becoming increasingly widespread among the French. They believe that, after the public authorities,SSE companies are the players best placed to respond to societal and environmental challenges, as well as to issues relating to the employment of young peopleand the unskilled. 81% of social entrepreneurs believe that development opportunities are favorable or very favorable at national level, and 69% at European level.

Barometre Convergences Entrepreneuriat Social 2022- Extrait des résultats
OpinionWay carried out this survey for Convergences en pro bono with two samples: a sample of 1,004 people representative of the French population aged 18 and over, and a consultation with a sample of 46 social entrepreneurs.
The general public sample: quota method, online self-administered questionnaire on the CAWI system on October 5 and 6, 2022. Sample of social entrepreneurs: online self-administered questionnaire on CAWI system and interviews conducted from October 11 to November 2, 2022. Margins of uncertainty: between 1.5 and 3 points for the general public sample and between 6.2 and 14.4 points for the social entrepreneur sample.