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GUIDE | Citizen Councils - A lever for citizen participation

Resources Companies and Investors Governance and Partnerships
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Guide pratique du mécénat de compétences


Inscribed in the programming law for cities and urban cohesion of February 21, 2014, the principle of co-construction of city policy should enable residents and players in priority neighborhoods to be involved in the governance of this partnership-based policy.

Six years after the law was passed, the Agence Nationale de la Cohésion des Territoires (ANCT) wanted to capitalize on and share the methodological tools implemented in territories within citizens' councils by offering a practical guide for professionals, elected representatives and citizens' councillors. The guide is intended to provide input and support for local initiatives under construction or renewal.

It comprises a first part devoted to the general framework within which citizen councils operate (reference texts, missions, governance) and a second part made up of practical information sheets.