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TOOLS | The Mulhouse Alsace Agglomération Mobility Account (MaaS)

Resources Tech, Data & Innovation Urbanism and Placemaking
OUTIL - Le Compte Mobilité de Mulhouse Alsace Agglomération (MaaS)


The principle behind Mobility as a Service ( MaaS) is to enable users to pay for all their mobility services - public transport, car-sharing, self-service bicycles, etc. - usinga single application. It also provides real-time access to transport information. The aim of MaaS is to facilitate intermodality andencourage low-carbon mobility. Mulhouse Alsace Agglomération is one of the first local authorities in Europe to have implemented MaaS.

Keywords: Accessibility, innovation, intermodality, mobility, Mobility as a Service, MaaS, Smart City, transport, Mulhouse, Alsace.
Illustration: Cityway / Mulhouse Alsace Agglomération - Mobility Account

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