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SUSTAINABLE CITIES IN ACTION 2023 | Regeneration: (p)repairing territories to face the challenges of the Anthropocene

To be watched SDG, Transition and Resilience Urbanism and Placemaking
Villes Durables en Actions 2023 - Régénération


" France Ville Durables "(FVD) is an association that aims to capitalize on, disseminate and support French expertise and know-how in terms of sustainable cities, in a "do tank" approach. It offers tools, resources and training, and organizes workshops and events, notably its annual "Villes Durables en Actions " (VDA) meetings.

This 3rd edition of VDA, held in Marseille, focused on regenerative territories and the planet's habitability limits as territorial planning tools. The issue of carbon neutrality was also at the heart of the discussions, with the participation of the 9 French cities that won the " Mission Villes "( Horizon Europe program) and representatives of the European Commission.

We share with you the replays of these 2 days of meetings and our report on inspiring practices.

Keywords: sustainable territorial attractiveness, sustainable development, sustainability, planetary limits, housing, metropolises, Mission Villes, carbon neutrality, ODD, One Health, quality of life, regeneration, replay, resilience, transition, urbanism, video, cities.
Illustration: M. Delmestre - ANRU (c)

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