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CHAPTER D'OUVRAGE | Attractivité et Compétitivité des Territoires - Théories et Pratiques

Scientific publications Governance and Partnerships Residents and Talents
Article scientifique


  • Chapter: Trends and new practices in territorial marketing - Joël Gayet - page 40
  • Chapter : Relationship-based territorial marketing: an approach adapted to the brand image of small towns - Christophe Alaux - page 64
Illustration : Adobe Stock - ©Daniel


Attractivité et compétitivité des territoires - Théories et Pratiques
Attractivité et compétitivité des territoires - Théories et Pratiques

The mobility of production factors, innovations, ideas and fashions has very real consequences for any region. For a small or large conurbation, a rural area, a region or a state, nothing can be taken for granted, and there is widespread competition to attract and anchor investors, producers and skilled workers. How can we understand this phenomenon and deal with it? What new methods should elected officials and local leaders use to adapt to this new situation and ensure the development of their territory? How can we find our way and exist in this competitive world? What best practices can serve as a source of inspiration? How can we build "sustainable" marketing approaches, based on the real dynamics of the region and the commitment of its stakeholders? This book provides both theoretical and practical answers to all these questions.

Coordinated by Lise Bourdeau-Lepage, Professor of Geography at the University of Lyon 3, and Vincent Gollain, Director of the Economics Department at IAU Ile-de-France, the first part of the book brings together nine contributions from experts, mostly researchers and academics, who offer their insights into the many challenges of attractiveness for a territory: (re)defining the concept of attractiveness (Greg Clark), amenities and attractiveness (Lise Bourdeau-Lepage), service marketing and territorial marketing (Benoît Meyronin), brand image (Camille Chamard), brands and attractiveness (Maëva Chanoux)... The second part presents some twenty successful experiences in this field, whether in territorial marketing, building a territorial offer, targeted actions, or anticipating territorial changes. Each of these experiences illustrates certain facets of the methodological elements highlighted by the expert contributions in the first part (detailed summary opposite).

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Contact the authors of the book chapter

Christophe ALAUX, Director, Chaire Attractivité et Nouveau Marketing Territorial (A&NMT) and Institut de Management Public et Gouvernance Territoriale (IMPGT) -

Joël GAYET, Founder of the Chaire Attractivité et Nouveau Marketing Territorial (A&NMT), Director of Domaine de Leos - linkedIn